Saturday, April 12, 2008

Snow covered in April, no fools!

So I woke up to this morning in N. Central, Wisconsin to guess what? And no it's not a belated April Fools' Joke, the real deal, the white stuff covering the ground, AGAIN!!

Kinda getting sick of it!
On a somber note, please keep our nephew Jefferson in your prayers, got a call from his Daddy this morning that Mommy took him to the ER last night, breathing trouble + and they are keeping him at least 24-36 hours...

Happy Spring Ya'll!


Stacy Stoddard said...

Welcome to is fun to do and maybe more fun to read everyone else's. I find i do better at keeping a journal here so know i just cut and past what i write here into my journal.

Anonymous said...

Now that does make a person sick! Snow like that in April. I won't tell you what we had yesterday and today IN CANADA of all places!! HOT! HOT! HOT! Thanks for the email and letting me know about your blog. I will be checking in on you and your CUTE family as often as I can with a wild hand full of a two year old around here! It's so nice to be back into contact with so many of you wonderful and amazing Hoffmans! I miss you guys! Oh if you know of anyone else around there that I know and who are blogging let me know so I can get back into contact with them too. Get Becky on the band wagon! Do you and your families still live where you were on and at the bottom of that hill outside of Gresham there?